For my first recipe: homemade sugar donuts.
This recipe has the simplest ingredients ever!
-1 can of Pillsbury Grands homestyle buttermilk
-vegetable oil or whatever you prefer
-medicine cup (trust me)
-brown paper bag (or something to drain them on)
When they are finished cooking on both sides, take them out and set them on the brown paper bag for just a few seconds to cool. They only need to be cool enough to touch. Place the donuts or donut middles in the bowl of sugar one at a time and flip to coat completely. You can also shake them in a lunch bag of sugar too, but we didn't have any so I improvised with the bowl idea. Enjoy immediately!
If you happen to have any leftover, you can store them in an airtight container and they will stay soft. I hid/saved some just to see how they would be overnight, but if the kids had their way, it would still be a mystery... They were super duper delicious fresh out of the sugar!! I was concerned they would taste just like a regular biscuit, but we couldn't taste the difference. In my opinion, they tasted more like sugary biscuits THE NEXT DAY.

Mmmm! They look really yummy! I might have to try these since I never got any from the farm :(